What should I expect? Or How does a individual fc session take place?

The session usually begins with a brief discussion with a the client to gain an understanding of their system (family, relationship, work) history, significant relationships, and any specific situations or challenges they are facing.

Next, Paloma may invite client to choose representatives for members related to the situation in focus. These representatives will be objects such as dolls, crystals or pieces of paper. The individual places the representatives in the room in a way that reflects their perception of the dynamics and relationships.

Once the representatives are arranged, begins the constellation process. The client may be asked to observe the representatives, and the Paloma may ask questions about their feelings and perceptions related to the members and their positions in the room.

Through this process, the client gains insights into hidden dynamics, entanglements, and unresolved issues within their system. They may observe patterns of loyalty, unresolved conflicts, or unacknowledged traumas that have been passed down through generations. Paloma will help her client to explore and understand these dynamics in a safe and supportive environment.

Towards the end, the client will be guided through a process of healing and resolution. This can involve interventions such as repositioning the representatives, expressing unspoken emotions or messages, or offering healing statements to reconcile relationships within the system.

Every member in the system is affected even though they were not present for the individual session.

What do I prepare for a fc remote session?

The session will be through video call so is required a stable connection, and a device that you are able to move because in one point you will be standing so ill need to see you.

Also will be necessary for you to have a space to walk, free of furniture or decorations, and post its or a notepad and a pen.

WHAT ARE SOME Benefits of Family Constellation?

  • Clients get an insight into others’ lives and their problems, giving them a whole new understanding of family dynamics. 

  • It takes them outside of their mind when they can understand and see other’s problems, thereby giving them the courage to find solutions to the consistent threat they have been going through their entire life.

WHAT issues i can look in a session?

Issues like persistent problems even after years of therapy or healing work, unexplained sadness, loneliness, fear, depression, failed relationships, self-destructive behavior, unresolved grief, chronic illness, unsuccessful career are a few examples of situations that can be a theme at a family constellation session.


Bert Hellinger identified what he called the “Orders of Love,” he noted that certain governing principles must be adhered for love to flow in a healthy way in a family.

Are they:

  1. Law of Order, Precedence or Hierarchy

According to Hellinger, whoever was born first must protect and teach those who came later. These, in turn, owe respect and obedience to those who came before. If this is broken, conflicts, arguments and even fights can take over the family. Each one must occupy the position that belongs to him and stick to its principles.

2. Law of Balance between Giving and Receiving in Relationships

In relationships, the exchanges must be equivalent.

That's why we shouldn't give too much or take too much in relation to our partner. It tires us out and puts the relationship at risk. According to Bert, in the same measure as I give something, I must receive in the same weight. Everything has to complete a harmonious cycle of exchanges and responses.

     3. Law of belonging

In many families, when there is a conflict where a relative is the cause of discord for many, the solution is to deny the existence of that individual so that life can continue. However, excluding someone from your family field has painful consequences.

In this, it is necessary to integrate the image of this person in the family, regardless of their actions. This will allow the familiar field to flow and carry that pain forward. The future is guaranteed if the past is well structured.

 Only when we recognize and honor the difficult fates of those who have gone before us can the "Orders of Love" be re-established and the chain of tragic fates broken.