“one must still have chaos in oneself to be able to give birth to a dancing star."
family constellation
Our Family of origin, our belonging, were we came from, where we are, everything affects our life, our decisions, and where we want to be. The choices we have been making, sometimes over and over. With a Systemic view, I can help you to see what is in your way, and move towards a better path, at your personal life, relationship, or professional life.
It is a natural energy exchange therapy, whose purpose is to restore the harmony and natural balance of the human being, using the imposition of hands as an energy source. As a complementary therapy, Reiki adds to medical treatments, making it a great ally in the process.
The goal of Reiki treatments is to strengthen the flow of energy through these blocked or disturbed pathways, thus decreasing pain and enhancing the body's natural ability to fight illnesses and heal itself. For cancer patients, Reiki may be able to help reduce pain associated with the progression of the disease.
access bars
Access Bars® is a touch therapy directed at 32 points on the head. There are points for healing, body, control, awareness, creativity, power, ageing, sex and money. As you clear these blockages and old patterns it provides more space for you to receive allowing you to create your ideas.
Health Benefits of Access Bars For the Body and Mind are greater mental clarity, motivation and problem solving capacity, also significant increase is joy and happiness, improved manageability of depressive and anxious tendencies, decrease in interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts and deeper relaxation and non interrupted sleep.